“some evidence of reflexology may be found in art work. For instance, in Egypt, in the physician's tomb (2300 B.C.) there can be found a pictograph which may be evidence of reflexology being applied. In Asia, several examples also have been cited. Modern Reflexology is based on the work of two American physicians, Dr. William Fitzgerald and Dr. Joe Shelby Riley of the 1920's and on that of physiotherapist Eunice D. Ingham who developed Fitzgerald and Riley's knowledge into a usable therapy, calling it Foot Reflexology and took it to the public in the late 1930's through the early 70's…”
“over 300 research studies have shown reflexology provided some improvement to 95% of the over 18,000 cases covering 64 illnesses studied. ”
"In the last 30 years, because of Eunice Inghams traveling around the country teaching groups of people her method of reflexology (the Ingham Method) a grassroots following of reflexology emerged in the US. In that time practicing reflexologists have emerged, more than 30 reflexology books have been published, and the number of magazine articles published has risen by 500 percent since 1982. Television appearances by reflexologists have increased by 500 percent since 1988…
Zoals te verwachten verzandt het verhaal weer in de bekende algemeenheden waarachter het alternatieve circuit zich altijd probeert te verschuilen: enorme aantallen maar nergens een concrete bronvermelding!